
Project Nuance

Gauging the Polarization Level of Social Media Comments to Foster Civil Discourse


Today, 71% of Americans avoid talking about politics with those holding opposing views.

As we continue to isolate ourselves into partisan echo chambers, so do our political divides.

ABOVE: The Pew Research Center only tracked changes until 2015, so just imagine what the visualizaton would look like in 2024!

How Do We Curb This Trend? By Engaging in Civil Discourse.

Project Nuance aims to increase collective awareness of our inflammatory language use and restore confidence in what disagreements can do for us. 

We should disagree in such a way that the outcome of having the disagreement is better than not having it at all.
- Bo Seo, author of "Good Arguments" and two-time world debate champion

By using our extension, characteristics of polarizing rhetoric will become more apparent, as well as what linguistic choices effectively initiate a meaningful conversation. We invite you to join our cause to heal the rifts in our divided world, one rating at a time.